Saturday, March 29, 2008

"I gots the giggles!"

Chris: "I'm a host!"

Conrad: "With the way you've been drinking tonight, you're more like a chalice."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Number one on the NC charts

"There was a man named Augie,
Who came to the Bottom that was Foggy,
He came to change my life,
But could he change my life?
He had a friend with big arms,
Who tried to woo Alecia with his charms,
And one day in the Spring,
He earned his nickname, Don King."

Refrain: "Oh Augie, wont you change my life, oh Augie come and make me your wife, oh Augie yes I know that it is true, oh Augie, I love you!."

Courtesy of Jocelyn Dabu, hit song writer!

New Trend on Campus

I want to make t-shirts that say Modest is Hottest and start a new trend on Campus!
- Mary

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

The Pope said his mass already, and its Easter Vigil for me here in Germany! Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

They don't make 'em like this at GW...

"God Bless South Carolina..."

-Andy on alternative break

Saturday, March 15, 2008

"So who wants to be the Tin Man?"

Sung to the tune of "We're Off to See the Wizard":

"We'reeeee off to see the Pooooooope!"

-David, as he skips down H Street after Adoration

Friday, March 14, 2008

Because most people outside the NC dont realize it...


And tomorrow is St. Melchador, I mean St. Joseph's Solemnity!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another direction?

"You know who would be a great spiritual director? Father Brady."

-Mary to Jocelyn

Party Never Stops...

"Ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party, 'cuz a Holy Ghost party don't stop (don't stop)..."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Adoring with Authority...

Ryan: "Marissa, you have the best double genuflection I've ever seen..."

the bad jokes continue

Written on the white board...

What do you call a sleep walking nun? - A Roamin' Catholic

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

idk, my bff the Virgin Mary?

Ingrid's suggestion:

"Printing the luminous there in 5."

-Julie in a text message to Ingrid before "Dinner & the Rosary"

Monday, March 10, 2008


Okay so something that one would only do with a Newman Center blog, I'm going to change the color based on the liturgical season... the title and border is purple right now, it will go to red at the Triduum and then white (normal since i cant do white really, ooh maybe gold) for Easter, then green for ordinary time... Let me know if you think its worth the effort... Its not going to be too over the top, subtlety is a virtue in my opinion...

A guilty pleasure?

Online, but worthy nevertheless of posting...

Ryan: "I've been cheating, I've started listening to the Exultet... mea culpa"

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Idea for a TV Show?

Jocelyn before Mass: "Your Fired!"

Mary: "Wow you do a great Donald Trump wearing a veil impression!"

Friday, March 7, 2008

I think you have the words a bit wrong...

Holding Rosary up to Andy:

"The power of Christ condemns you!"

- Marissa

Our Favorite Married Couple

Andy: "David, will you bring your confession music on the retreat?"

David: "Sure!"

Southern Hospitality

"This is the worst cup of coffee I've ever had in my life."

-Fr. Gurnee to the waitress at Page's Okra Grill

He likes it!

Look, he likes it! (scratching the chin of the Holy Spirit medal)

~ Marissa

More canons...

"I love Msgr. Filardi's Daily Mass, he always uses the Roman Canon!"

- Conrad

A little Abraisive...

"Crap I'm going to miss Tenebrae!"


who just hatched?

Conrad: "You're a geriatric to me Alecia..."

John: "Well I think you are a spring Chicken!"

The Bad Joke Disease Continues...

"Hey, isn't that against Canon Law?"

-Tim, to us sitting on the canons at the Charleston battery

Which is more disturbing? You decide.

Dan: "So I have this book called The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife..."

Mary: "ME TOO!"

-Conversations on Christian Relationships

Men, Keep You Daughters Indoors.

"...and so when I go wife hunting..."

-Dan at Conversations on Christian Relationships

Gospel of Mark + Gospel of Maybelline

"...and so then I got the idea to start a business called Makeovers for Jesus!"


Too Punny!

I promise I wont use this too much as a forum for terrible jokes but this one cant be missed...

"Thank cod its Fried day!"

-Conrad when thinking about the Fish Fry tonight at 5:00!

Now there is an alternative Spring Break!

While driving in South Carolina to the beach...

"I feel like we are headed into Purgatory!"

- Marissa

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Isn't it a solemnity somwhere?

"But it's liturgically Sunday!"

-Conrad on a Saturday night in South Carolina during Lent, trying to convince the group why he is allowed to eat ice cream.

Who is the real monastic bum?

"I just GOTS to KNOW!"


Then came a bat...

"Jesus, I'm giving you five minutes and then I'm peacing out!"

-Fr. Woods upon entering the seminary

A weird proposal...

"Father Gurnee, will you marry me?"

- Jocelyn

The question of the hour...

"Are you Catholic? Are you Pro-life?"

- Michelle... to Cardinal McCarrick?

New Crush?

In a squeaky high voice...

"Your Eminence don't leave me!"

-Jocelyn at the Coffee House... She seems to have a lot of these!

All the cool kids are doing it...

"I don't really know how to finish the Rosary, so I'm just going to free-style it."



Another Andy Submission:

"Today when I was talking to my spiritual director..."

From our favorite Filipino!

"Last night while I was washing my veil..."

- Jocelyn

title confusion?

Past Grand Knight to Cardinal McCarrick:

"Thank you for coming your Majesty."

The quote that started it all...

Courtesy of Marissa:

"Oh I hope I get a set of Breviaries for my birthday!"

The first of many JJZ quotes...

Thanks, you seem to becoming the Hedda Hopper of ecclesiastical politics!
Do let me know how you feel tomorrow and if your crystal ball needs a shot of clarity.
Relying on your every word,

More Lenten Shananagins...

"Yeah so today is the Solemnity of St. Melchador, he converted Asia Minor while riding a lion..."

"Okay I made it up, but I really want to eat Ice Cream!"

- Conrad

Can I eat or not?

"I only break my Lenten fast when the Sunday rule coincides with the Gurnee Corollary"

- Tim

So you can find the best confession in town...


- Julie


This blog is for anything that you hear at the GW Newman Center that you wouldn't hear anywhere else! Send me an email if you have something to post and everyday ill put something new up!